Source code for

from .. import utils
from .utils import _matrix_to_data_frame

import pandas as pd

def _read_csv_sparse(filename, chunksize=10000, fill_value=0.0, **kwargs):
    """Read a csv file into a pd.DataFrame[pd.SparseArray]."""
    chunks = pd.read_csv(filename, chunksize=chunksize, **kwargs)
    data = pd.concat(
        utils.dataframe_to_sparse(chunk, fill_value=fill_value) for chunk in chunks
    return data

[docs]def load_csv( filename, cell_axis="row", delimiter=",", gene_names=True, cell_names=True, sparse=False, chunksize=10000, **kwargs, ): r"""Load a csv file. Parameters ---------- filename : str The name of the csv file to be loaded cell_axis : {'row', 'column'}, optional (default: 'row') If your data has genes on the rows and cells on the columns, use cell_axis='column' delimiter : str, optional (default: ',') Use '\t' for tab separated values (tsv) gene_names : `bool`, `str`, array-like, or `None` (default: True) If `True`, we assume gene names are in the first row/column. Otherwise expects a filename or an array containing a list of gene symbols or ids cell_names : `bool`, `str`, array-like, or `None` (default: True) If `True`, we assume cell names are in the first row/column. Otherwise expects a filename or an array containing a list of cell barcodes. sparse : bool, optional (default: False) If True, loads the data as a pd.DataFrame[pd.SparseArray]. This uses less memory but more CPU. chunksize : int, optional (default: 10000) If `sparse=True`, read this many lines of dense data at a time before converting to sparse. **kwargs : optional arguments for `pd.read_csv`. Returns ------- data : array-like, shape=[n_samples, n_features] If either gene or cell names are given, data will be a pd.DataFrame or pd.DataFrame[pd.SparseArray]. If no names are given, data will be a np.ndarray or scipy.sparse.spmatrix """ if cell_axis not in ["row", "column", "col"]: raise ValueError( "cell_axis {} not recognized. Expected 'row' or 'column'".format(cell_axis) ) if "index_col" in kwargs: # override index_col = kwargs["index_col"] cell_names = None del kwargs["index_col"] elif cell_names is True: index_col = 0 cell_names = None else: index_col = None if "header" in kwargs: # override header = kwargs["header"] del kwargs["header"] gene_names = None elif gene_names is True: header = 0 gene_names = None else: header = None # Read in csv file if sparse: read_fun = _read_csv_sparse kwargs["chunksize"] = chunksize else: read_fun = pd.read_csv data = read_fun( filename, delimiter=delimiter, header=header, index_col=index_col, **kwargs ) if cell_axis in ["column", "col"]: data = utils.matrix_transpose(data) data = _matrix_to_data_frame( data, gene_names=gene_names, cell_names=cell_names, sparse=sparse ) return data
[docs]def load_tsv( filename, cell_axis="row", delimiter="\t", gene_names=True, cell_names=True, sparse=False, **kwargs, ): r"""Load a tsv file. Parameters ---------- filename : str The name of the csv file to be loaded cell_axis : {'row', 'column'}, optional (default: 'row') If your data has genes on the rows and cells on the columns, use cell_axis='column' delimiter : str, optional (default: '\t') Use ',' for comma separated values (csv) gene_names : `bool`, `str`, array-like, or `None` (default: True) If `True`, we assume gene names are in the first row/column. Otherwise expects a filename or an array containing a list of gene symbols or ids cell_names : `bool`, `str`, array-like, or `None` (default: True) If `True`, we assume cell names are in the first row/column. Otherwise expects a filename or an array containing a list of cell barcodes. sparse : bool, optional (default: False) If True, loads the data as a pd.DataFrame[pd.SparseArray]. This uses less memory but more CPU. **kwargs : optional arguments for `pd.read_csv`. Returns ------- data : array-like, shape=[n_samples, n_features] If either gene or cell names are given, data will be a pd.DataFrame or pd.DataFrame[pd.SparseArray]. If no names are given, data will be a np.ndarray or scipy.sparse.spmatrix """ return load_csv( filename, cell_axis=cell_axis, delimiter=delimiter, gene_names=gene_names, cell_names=cell_names, sparse=sparse, **kwargs, )