Source code for

from .. import utils
from .._lazyload import rpy2
from . import conversion

import functools

def _console_warning(s, log_fn):
    s = s.strip()
    if s == "=":
        return log_fn(rpy2.rinterface_lib.callbacks._WRITECONSOLE_EXCEPTION_LOG, s)

class _ConsoleWarning(object):
    def __init__(self, verbose=1):
        if verbose is True:
            verbose = 1
        elif verbose is False:
            verbose = 0
        self.verbose = verbose

    def warning(s: str) -> None:
        _console_warning(s, rpy2.rinterface_lib.callbacks.logger.warning)

    def debug(s: str) -> None:
        _console_warning(s, rpy2.rinterface_lib.callbacks.logger.debug)

    def set(fun):
        if not hasattr(_ConsoleWarning, "builtin_warning"):
            _ConsoleWarning.builtin_warning = (
        rpy2.rinterface_lib.callbacks.consolewrite_warnerror = fun

    def set_warning():

    def set_debug():

    def set_builtin():

    def __enter__(self):
        self.previous_warning = rpy2.rinterface_lib.callbacks.consolewrite_warnerror
        if self.verbose > 0:

    def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):

def setup_rlang():
    if (!require('rlang')) install.packages('rlang')
    options(error = rlang::entrace)

[docs]class RFunction(object): """Run an R function from Python. Parameters ---------- args : str, optional (default: "") Comma-separated R argument names and optionally default parameters setup : str, optional (default: "") R code to run prior to function definition (e.g. loading libraries) body : str, optional (default: "") R code to run in the body of the function cleanup : boolean, optional (default: True) If true, clear the R workspace after the function is complete. If false, this could result in memory leaks. verbose : int, optional (default: 1) R script verbosity. For verbose==0, all messages are printed. For verbose==1, messages from the function body are printed. For verbose==2, messages from the function setup and body are printed. """ def __init__(self, args="", setup="", body="", cleanup=True, verbose=1): = "fun" self.args = args self.setup = setup self.body = body self.cleanup = cleanup self.verbose = verbose @utils._with_pkg(pkg="rpy2", min_version="3.0") def _build(self): setup_rlang() if self.setup != "": with _ConsoleWarning(self.verbose - 1): rpy2.robjects.r(self.setup) function_text = """ {name} <- function({args}) {{ {body} }} """.format(, args=self.args, body=self.body ) fun = getattr(rpy2.robjects.packages.STAP(function_text,, return fun @property def function(self): try: return self._function except AttributeError: self._function = self._build() return self._function @utils._with_pkg(pkg="rpy2", min_version="3.0") def __call__(self, *args, rpy_cleanup=None, rpy_verbose=None, **kwargs): default_verbose = self.verbose if rpy_verbose is None: rpy_verbose = self.verbose else: self.verbose = rpy_verbose if rpy_cleanup is None: rpy_cleanup = self.cleanup args = [conversion.py2rpy(a) for a in args] kwargs = {k: conversion.py2rpy(v) for k, v in kwargs.items()} with _ConsoleWarning(rpy_verbose): try: robject = self.function(*args, **kwargs) except rpy2.rinterface_lib.embedded.RRuntimeError as e: # Attempt to capture the traceback from R. # Credit: try: r_traceback = rpy2.robjects.r( "format(rlang::last_trace(), simplify='none', fields=TRUE)" )[0] except Exception as traceback_exc: r_traceback = ( "\n(an error occurred while getting traceback " f"from R){traceback_exc}" ) e.args = (f"{e.args[0]}\n{r_traceback}",) raise robject = conversion.rpy2py(robject) if rpy_cleanup: rpy2.robjects.r("rm(list=ls())") self.verbose = default_verbose return robject
_install_bioconductor = RFunction( args="package = character(), site_repository = character(), update = FALSE, " 'type="binary", version = BiocManager::version()', body=""" if (!require('BiocManager')) install.packages("BiocManager") ask <- !update if (length(package) == 0) { BiocManager::install(site_repository=site_repository, update=update, ask=ask, version=version) } else { for (pkg in package) { if (update || !require(pkg, character.only = TRUE)) { BiocManager::install(pkg, site_repository=site_repository, update=update, ask=ask, version=version, type=type) } } } """, )
[docs]def install_bioconductor( package=None, site_repository=None, update=False, type="binary", version=None, verbose=True, ): """Install a Bioconductor package. Parameters ---------- site_repository : string, optional (default: None) additional repository in which to look for packages to install. This repository will be prepended to the default repositories update : boolean, optional (default: False) When False, don't attempt to update old packages. When True, update old packages automatically. type : {"binary", "source", "both"}, optional (default: "binary") Which package version to install if a newer version is available as source. "both" tries source first and uses binary as a fallback. version : string, optional (default: None) Bioconductor version to install, e.g., version = "3.8". The special symbol version = "devel" installs the current 'development' version. If None, installs from the current version. verbose : boolean, optional (default: True) Install script verbosity. """ kwargs = {"update": update, "rpy_verbose": verbose, "type": type} if package is not None: kwargs["package"] = package if site_repository is not None: kwargs["site_repository"] = site_repository if version is not None: kwargs["version"] = version _install_bioconductor(**kwargs)
_install_github = RFunction( args="""repo=character(), lib=.libPaths()[1], dependencies=NA, update=FALSE, type="binary", build_vignettes=FALSE, force=FALSE, verbose=TRUE""", body=""" quiet <- !verbose if (!require('remotes', quietly=TRUE)) install.packages('remotes', lib=lib) library(remotes) install_github(repo=repo, lib=lib, dependencies=dependencies, upgrade=update, build_vignettes=build_vignettes, force=force, quiet=quiet) # prepend path to libPaths if new library if (lib != .libPaths()[1]) .libPaths(c(lib, .libPaths())) if (verbose) cat('.libPaths():', .libPaths()) """, )
[docs]def install_github( repo, lib=None, dependencies=None, update=False, type="binary", build_vignettes=False, force=False, verbose=True, ): """Install a Github repository. Parameters ---------- repo: string Github repository name to install. lib: string Directory to install the package. If missing, defaults to the first element of .libPaths(). dependencies: boolean, optional (default: None/NA) When True, installs all packages specified under "Depends", "Imports", "LinkingTo" and "Suggests". When False, installs no dependencies. When None/NA, installs all packages specified under "Depends", "Imports" and "LinkingTo". update: string or boolean, optional (default: False) One of "default", "ask", "always", or "never". "default" Respects R_REMOTES_UPGRADE variable if set, falls back to "ask" if unset. "ask" prompts the user for which out of date packages to upgrade. For non-interactive sessions "ask" is equivalent to "always". TRUE and FALSE also accepted, correspond to "always" and "never" respectively. type : {"binary", "source", "both"}, optional (default: "binary") Which package version to install if a newer version is available as source. "both" tries source first and uses binary as a fallback. build_vignettes: boolean, optional (default: False) Builds Github vignettes. force: boolean, optional (default: False) Forces installation even if remote state has not changed since previous install. verbose: boolean, optional (default: True) Install script verbosity. """ kwargs = {"type": type} if lib is not None: kwargs["lib"] = lib if dependencies is not None: kwargs["dependencies"] = dependencies _install_github( repo=repo, update=update, build_vignettes=build_vignettes, force=force, verbose=verbose, **kwargs, )